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2021-04-02 13:21:02来源:湖南成考网点击:

Ⅲ. Cloze ( 30 points)
Directions:For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B0 Cand D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackeningthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
What enables some people to get big creative breakthroughs while others only get small and non-creative breakdowns, blaming themselves and society? Are some people "gifted"? Are there other factors   21   work--factors that we have more control over than we think?
    While nobody can deny the   22   that some people seem to be blessed with particular creativity, research shows that anyone can   23   their chances of coming up with new and original ideas   24   they would only engage themselves more in the process of   25  . It' s the old Thomas Edison thing about "discovery  26   99 percent perspiration (汗水) and 1 percent inspiration. "
   27   , the studies prove this:great creative breakthroughs usually happen only   28   intense periods of struggle. It is sustained effort towards a specific goal   29   eventually prepares for great creative insights.
    This kind of sustained effort does not always   30   immediate results, a fact that not only separates the innovators (革新者) from non-innovators, but  31  leads some people to conclude that it is just not   32   for them. "Maybe I should have gone to medical school like my mother wanted," they wonder when the breakthrough is   33   to be found. Alas, one forgets during inevitable encounters   34   self-doubt,that the big surprise is never  35  . Indeed,it can  happen at any time and place.
21. A. to              B. in               C. at               D.by
22. A. issue             B. problem            C. reason             D. fact
23. A. miss              B. reduce             C. increase           D.lose
24. A. because           B. if                   C. while              D. whether
25. A. creation           B. practice       C. production          D. achievement
26. A. being              B. be            C. was                 D. were
27. A. Sooner or later  
B. Some day or other   
C. Every now and then
 D. Time and again
28. A. beyond            B. after                C. above              D. through
29. A. that              B. who               C. what              D. as
30. A. create             B. produce     C. inspire              D. encourage
31. A. too                B. once                C. again               D. also
32. A. good              B. difficult            C. possible            D. stupid
33. A. anywhere          B. everywhere          C. somewhere          D. nowhere
34. A. against            B. across               C. with                D. into
35. A. far away           B. used up         C. cleared off          D. near by








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